Friday, June 24, 2005

Blogging... should you watch what you say ?

My good friend RS is a big fan of 'freedom of speech' when it comes to blogging... but I had an interesting discussion two days ago about blogging, with someone who felt that one should be careful about what one says... When I enquired further, the reason given was that you could undermine yourself by giving a collegue/someone else ammunition/ideas to do your job ? i.e. if you are too open with your blog, someone could either gain significant knowledge to do your job and/or find out what type of character you are... thereby undermining you position/reputation. I thought about this comment for about 2 minutes before drawing my conclusion (does that mean I say things before I think ?)... ah so yes my conclusion (hesitation now... what could that mean)... is the same as my lifes philosophy... DONT LOOK BACK... KEEP MOVING FORWARD... YOU CAN NEVER UNDO THE PAST... ONLY INFLUENCE THE FUTURE... I do not tend to make comments/blog half baked ideas... I try to talk about/post comments/thoughts that I have considered and completed... i.e. I have moved on in my thoughts and am now thinking about the next idea/plan/thought... so if someone thinks of using my 'cast-off' thoughts... I'm letting you know your behind the times... **** And before I sign off... this is a quick mention for anyone 'using my ideas to undermine me' to visit the blog of one of the coolest and most beautiful young ladies around at ****


Jessica said...

I live by a very similiar philosphey with my own blog.

But I usually don't think before I write it - that way it gives me something to apologize for later.

Malach the Merciless said...

This is true, but is it one of the reasons, i do not reveal my name in my blog. I am a rather well known person, And it would be easy to recognize who I was through my name